
Study Room Reservations

Wellness Collection


ABC-CLIO Reference Ebooks
Collection of EBooks on topics such as business, current events, economics, military history, religion, world history, politics, etc .
Provides access to e-books covering literature, reference and verse.

Bible Gateway
The Bible Gateway is a free tool for reading and researching scripture online in different languages.

Bibliography of the History of Arts
Searchable database of books, drawings, manuscripts, paintings, maps, periodicals, scrapbooks, etc., published between 1975 to 2007.

BIR Entertainment
Provides information on about 450,000 music titles and 200,000 DVD/video titles and allows finding music or videos by an artist, performer, or a specific genre.

Book Index with Reviews (EBSCO)
Information on over 5 million book titles in a wide range of formats. Also contains full text, searchable book reviews from Library Journal, School Library Journal, Publishers Weekly, Booklist, etc.

Books In Print
Source to find book titles, and the information about available format options, including ebook.  It allows Quick Search, Visual Search as well as traditional Advanced Search. 

Credo Reference - Collection of reference books
Full text access to over 100 reference books such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, biographies, etc. Coverage goes back to 18th century. Includes quotations, images, sound files, animations, videos, and much more.

eBook Collection (EBSCO)
Collection of 12,201 eBooks that can be read using your computer.You can download the books to your computer as well as portable devices such as iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Nook , and Sony Reader, etc.  For tutorial on how to download visit Downloading Tutorial.

Encyclopedia of Television
Collection of more than 1000 original essays examining present, historic and contemporary radio and television content.

European Bibliography of Slavic and East Studies
A bibliographic database combining two older databases of Western European scholarship published between 1991-2000 and 2001-2007 in eight countries (Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Switzerland), focusing on Eastern Europe, the former Soviet union and the Balkans.

Funk & Wagnall's New World Encyclopedia
This database provides access to over 25,000 entries covering a variety of subject areas.

Gale Virtual Reference (Gale)
Provides access to multi-volume encyclopedias, biographical collections, business plan handbooks, company history compilations, consumer health references and specialized reference sources in ebook format.

Oxford English Dictionary
Guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past.

Oxford Reference Online
Fully-indexed, extensively linked, up-to-date, and cross-searchable dictionary, language reference and subject reference works published by Oxford University Press.

An application for managing references, retrieving bibliographic information, and designing texts in terms of their literature references. Password needed for remote access. Call the reference desk at 574-6352 for the password.

Resources for College Libraries (RCL)
Collection of recommended titles for curriculum-development, student research, reference, and bibliographic instruction.

Times Digital Archives (Gale)
Highly regarded resource of 19th-, 20th-, and early 21st-century history, literature, culture, business, art and architecture, and more. Years 1785 to 1985 are available in NewsVault.

Ulrich's Web
Source of bibliographic and publisher information on academic and scholarly journals, open access publications, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters and more from around the world.