
Study Room Reservations

Wellness Collection


ABC-CLIO Reference Ebooks
Collection of EBooks on topics such as business, current events, economics, military history, religion, world history, politics, etc .

Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
Multidisciplinary database that indexes over 8400 journals and provides full text to over 4600 journals dating back to 1865. Provides access to peer reviewed journals.

America: History and Life (EBSCO)
Index of literature covering the history and culture of the United States and Canada. Includes primary documents such as letters, dairies & speeches etc. Covers historical period from b.c.e.

American Memory
A digital record of American history and creativity in the form of written and spoken words, sound recordings, still and moving images, prints, maps, and sheet music.

ArticleFirst (FirstSearch)
Multidisciplinary database that indexes over 16,000 titles covering science, social science, medicine, humanities, business, popular culture and technology, dating back to 1929.

Bibliography of the History of Arts
Searchable database of books, drawings, manuscripts, paintings, maps, periodicals, scrapbooks, etc., published between 1975 to 2007.

Directory of Open Access Journals
Free fulltext, scientific and scholarly journals covering all subjects and languages. There are over 4905 journals included in this database.

eBook Collection (EBSCO)
Collection of 12,201 eBooks that can be read using your computer. You can download the books to your computer as well as portable devices such as iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Nook , and Sony Reader, etc.   For tutorial on how to download visit Downloading Tutorial

Ebooks (FirstSearch)
OCLC catalog of online electronic books available through libraries worldwide.

Collection of journal articles, book reviews, and essays in books about women, sexuality, and gender during the Middle Ages.

Films On Demand
Collection of 20,000 + high-quality video and multimedia for academic, vocational and life-skills content.

Multidisciplinary source covering, biological sciences, humanities, medical sciences, physical sciences and social sciences.

Heilbrunn Timeline of Art and History
A chronological, geographical, and thematic exploration of the history of art from around the world, as illustrated by the Museum's collection.

Full text archive of leading academic journals across the humanities, social sciences, sciences including mathematics and statistics as well as select monographs and high-quality images.

OmniFile Select (EBSCO)
Full text articles in applied science, general science, humanities, education, business and information science etc., from 1994 to present.

Oxford Reference Online
Fully-indexed, extensively linked, up-to-date, and cross-searchable dictionary, language reference and subject reference works published by Oxford University Press.

Project Muse
Full text, online access to a scholarly journals in social sciences, literature , history, philosophy, psychology, It also includes Caribbean Studies, International Relations, and women's study etc.

Smithsonian American Art and Museum
Provides access to databases with more than 500,000 records, including the Inventories of American Painting and Sculpture that document more than 400,000 artworks in public and private collections worldwide.

Web Gallery of Art
The Web Gallery of Art is a virtual museum and searchable database of European painting and sculpture from 11th to mid-19th centuries.

Wiley Online Library
Multidisciplinary source covering, business, chemistry, education, engineering, law, social sciences, mathematics, health sciences, life sciences, psychology, etc., with some full text journals, reference works, books and databases, from 1799 onward.

WorldCat (FirstSearch)
OCLC catalog of books and other materials in libraries worldwide.

WorldCat Dissertations and Theses (FirstSearch)
All dissertations, theses and published material based on theses cataloged by OCLC members, including all subjects.