
Study Room Reservations

Wellness Collection


 A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P |
Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Trial Databases |


Child Care Research
Full text of thousands of resources relevant to the field of child care and early education.

Comprehensive source of full-text for more than 1,300 Nursing and Allied Health journals with special focus on case studies and evidence-based practice. Coverage goes back to 1941.

Cochrane Library
Collection of databases containing high-quality, evidence based information for healthcare professionals, dating back to 1800.

ComDisDome (ProQuest)
Covers literature in communications disorders literature, with focus on speech-language pathology and audiology from multiple sources, including journal articles and books, along with access to profiles of researchers working in this area. 

Communication and Mass Media Complete (EBSCO)
Indexes about 700 journals and includes fulltext for over 380 journals. Coverage goes back to 1925.

Computer Source (EBSCO)
This source provides access to latest information and current trends in technology, offering full text for nearly 300 and abstracts for nearly 450 scholarly and popular publications from 1965.

CQ Researcher
Congressional Quarterly Researcher includes 12,000- word reports covering health, social trends, criminal justice, international affairs, education, the environment, technology, and economy dating back to 1991.

Credo Reference
Full text access to over 100 reference books such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, biographies, etc. Coverage goes back to 18th century. Includes quotations, images, sound files, animations, videos, and much more.